Why Do You Object To Novels Which Deal With Sex Problems?
A Reader to The Editor
The Girl's Own Annual (1926)
Why do you Object to Novels which deal with Sex Problems? Isn't it better to discuss such Subjects openly, rather than Hide them under a Haystack of Prudery, especially in the Present Day, when Girls are so well-equpped with Sense and Knowledge.
The Editor Answers
The reticence which decent people in previous generations maintained regarding sex-subjects, was not the outcome of prudery. It was based on certain natural laws, which affect the physical as well as the moral health of the individual, and also of the community at large. I have only space to mention one of these laws here; but that should be sufficient to answer your question.
It is an established fact that the mind which is allowed to dwell on sex subjects deteriorates to a very marked degree. We speak of a person who persists in this as dissolute. His moral fibre has literally dissolved, gone so entirely to pieces as to be practically useless. (The scientist and the medical investigator do not come under this heading, of course.)
Young men and women who have just reached maturity, unless taught to exercise self-control, and occupy their minds with healthier topics, are peculiarly liable to become tainted with what in time may become a grave moral disease.
And because one cannot run counter to any of the great natural laws without suffering for it in one way or another, it has been one of the accepted rules of intelligent, civilised Society, that sex topics should not be discussed promiscuously.
The fact that girls to-day are being educated on different lines from those of their grandmother's day does not alter the laws of Nature! Modern girls may be - and are - ever so sensible, well informed, capable and business-like; but this does not do away with the necessity for purity of mind.
It cannot be insisted too strongly that the thoughts which are allowed to focus on immoraly or kindred themes, whether in books or conversation, pictures or plays, become tainted and weakened, and lose that strength and beauty which is part of the Divine imprint upon humanity.
It is childish to argue than an open parade of everything appertaining to sex is beneficial as a contribution to knowledge. All "knowledge" isn't by any means desirable! And the majority who are concerned with the dissemination of suggestive literature dealing with depraved characters, have no object in view save cash returns. While those who read and discuss these matters have no other object save a pandering to the animal side of their natures, and are prompted by an unhealthy curiosity.
We have to-day a very large number of women in excess of men. Obviously there is bound to be a considerable number who will never have the opportunity to marry. Some women resort to novels which specialise on sex matters and create in the readers a false emotionalism, and they imbibe such reading matter almost as a form of drug. And though they may not know it, there is a serious physical danger in this.
It is a law of Nature that all such spurious emotionalism has a damaging effect both on the bodily and on the spiritual faculties of those who allow it to develop unchecked. Not only is it calculated to undermine the general health; but it may induce an exceedingly distressing mental malady, of which there are many cases in sanatoriums to-day. This is not the place to go into details. Consult a woman physician if you require further information.
I have dealt mainly with the physical side of the matter here, because it is one that is often overlooked. The spiritual side is of still greater importance. Our Lord summed up all that could be said, when He told us that the pure in heart shall see God. And all down the centuries the truth of this has been maintained. Those who have been the most effective in God's work, have been those who, though they were in the world, kept themselves unspotted.
We of the present generation have a great advantage over earlier ages, for we have examples and evidence on all sides of the working out of lives according to various programmes. History shows us prominent careers as a whole, and the wreckage wrought by immoral forces. Our daily papers tell us much of the outcome of persistent wrong-living in lesser personages. No one need remain in ignorance of the devastating effect of an undisciplined inclination to dabble in evil. Even here on earth we are permitted to see that "no unclean person hath any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and God."
That the need for purity is stressed again and again in God's Word, is an indication of its importance in human development. When you are inclined to question its necessity, remember "Ye are the temple of the Living God." Think that over very carefully. It is a tremendous matter! Can the Almighty dwell in us and walk in us if we willingly encourage uncleanliness? No! But the pure in heart are blessed, for they shall see God.